Welcome and Overview
Welcome to ACBL District 16 (D16) Intermediate and Newcomer (I/N)
community! Just to put this sentence in context...
ACBL: American Contract Bridge League, the governing body of bridge in North America.
District 16: Most of Texas, all of Mexico, 18 units.
Intermediate/Newcomer: an ACBL member who is not yet a Life Master.
I/N Players are sometimes referenced by their masterpoint holdings. A 199er, for example, has between 0 and 200 masterpoints.
The I/N section of the D16 website offers information about all sorts of resources to help you along your bridge journey. Click a section title to jump to that page.
Next Zoom English Lecture
Every month, D16 experts and teachers offer free one hour, one topic sessions. Find out who is speaking next, when, and on what topic. Zoom English Lecture Archive past Zoom English lectures are available here.
Newsletter Archive
I/N Newsletter is distributed monthly to D16 I/N players. Frequent topics include a D16 player profile, tips on all three aspects of bridge (bidding, declarer play, and defense), and a discussion of one of the laws.
Bridge Lessons Archive
We are very fortunate to have a library of bridge lessons contributed by Ed Rawlinson, a former D16 Teacher of the Year. While the lessons are written for teachers, the content is useful to I/N players as well.
I/N Lessons from Karen Walker https://kwbridge.com/
Tournaments: Upcoming
Some D16 tournaments are offered just for I/N players. Some are standalone I/N sectionals (a 199er, 299er or 499er) that offer silver points. Others are I/N regionals offered in conjunction with a unit sectional and offer red and
gold points.
Tournaments: Results
Links to the results of D16 I/N tournaments can be found here.
Games for I/N Players
Both D16 and the ACBL offer online games at various I/N levels. The best way to work on your game is to play, online and face-to-face.
I/N Coordinator Resources
This section has links to ACBL and other documents related to running I/N activities.
Next Zoom English Lecture

​By Sam Khayatt
I/N Coordinator