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Region 9 Director’s Report

Region 9 Director

By Rebecca Brown

​My term as your new Region 9 Director to the ACBL Board of Directors began on January 1. Although I attended the open sessions of the board meetings during the Las Vegas Fall NABC as a guest, my first official board meeting will not take place until the Memphis Spring NABC. However, my work began with the new year. 

Committee Assignments

ACBL President Margot Hennings appointed me to serve on both the Governance and Bylaws Committees. We have already met several times and have revised policies ready to present to the full board in Memphis. So far, so good, but there is a lot to learn! 

Presidential Visit

President Hennings accepted Unit 174’s invitation to attend the Max Levit Lone Star Regional in February. It was her first Texas tournament. The unit could not have been more welcoming! Hennings met lots of key D16 personnel and volunteers. She used the opportunity to listen to suggestions about tournaments. The attendance was slightly more than last year, with almost 1900 tables in play. 

ACBL Tournament Task Force

This year a major undertaking of the board is a Tournament Task Force, evaluating issues concerning schedules, staffing, and events. I have reached out to tournament coordinators and others throughout the Region (Districts 15 and 16), soliciting feedback about those issues. So far, a major concern expressed is staffing costs in the face of declining attendance/revenue at sectionals. There is a preference for using more local tournament assistants, when possible, in support of cost cutting. Another challenge is the balancing of units’ wishes to hold sectionals with the need to prevent “cannibalizing” the sectionals of other units. 

A reminder: District 16 policy limits each unit to four sectionals per year; this includes “local” or downgraded sectionals, but does not include limited ones (e.g., NLM sectionals). Please continue to give me your observations and concerns about tournaments.

Bracketed Pairs

By the way, at the end of last year the board approved a new event: Bracketed Pairs – coming to a tournament near you soon! It should be fun! 

You can reach me at with your questions or comments. I look forward to our dialogue.

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