Max Levit Lone Star Regional
On behalf of District 16, I extend my heartfelt congratulations to Unit 174 for hosting an exceptional 2025 Max Levit Lone Star Regional (LSR)! The amenities were top-notch, and the tournament has received fantastic praise. Thanks to Al Fortier, the Unit 174 photographer, photos of the winners appear in the March/April Scorecard.
The weeks prior to the February Max Levit Lone Star Regional (LSR) were a gratifying experience for me. I had the opportunity to connect with several dedicated District 16 volunteers, including recipients of the Teacher of the Year, Unit Goodwill Award, District 16 Star Award, ACBL Charitable Recognition Award, and ACBL Aileen Osofsky Goodwill Committee appointees. Detailed information on these award winners and appointments are provided in stories here and in the March/April Scorecard.
As you know, volunteers are essential to running units and club games, as well as sectional and regional tournaments. If you haven’t volunteered before, I encourage you to give it a try. You don’t need to win an award to feel the satisfaction of contributing to our game!
Board Business
District 16 held its board meeting on Saturday, February 8 during the LSR. Board members and committee chairs attended both in person and via Zoom conferencing.
• Rosemary Kelly, Unit 172 San Antonio, requested that District 16 consider eliminating the $1.40 per table sanction fee for regional tournaments. To address and evaluate the issues regarding this request a committee was formed composed of Rosemary, D16 Executive Treasurer Jamie Southerland, Unit 207 Austin, and Dolores Aquino, Unit 174 Houston.
• Karen Nussbaum, Unit 174 board member, proposed a motion to convert the 2025 August tournament from a sectional to a unit Sectional Tournament at Clubs (STaC) for year 2025. The motion was approved.
• Steve Shirey of Fort Worth, representing the Unit 183 board, proposed a motion to allow units to hold up to six sectionals, with any beyond four being designated as local sectionals, subject to approval by the D16 Tournament Coordinator. This motion failed.
“Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.”
–John F. Kennedy, January 20, 1961