District 16
2024 Grand National Teams
Conditions of Contest
General Information
The Grand National Teams (GNT) is a grass roots teams competition, in which teams from each district compete to earn the right to represent their district in the Summer Nationals each year. The event is flighted with four flights competing.
The September masterpoint cycle produced on August 6, 2023 marks the cutoff date for flight eligibility. Masterpoints won after this cycle will not impact flight eligibility for these events.
Open Championship Flight is unlimited
Flight A is 0-6000
Flight B is 0-2500
Flight C is Non-Life Master with all players less than 500 masterpoints.
Team may comprise of 4, 5, or 6 players. A player must be a member in good standing of the ACBL and reside in District 16 as of September 1, 2023.
The ACBL conditions of contest are included as a part of the District 16 conditions of contest. They are viewable at:
Qualifying for District Level Final:
No club or unit qualifiers were held in 2020-2022, and we will continue that practice this year. Any team of eligible players may compete in the District Finals in 2024. Clubs may still request and run GNT qualifiers, as may units, although it is not required for players to qualify.